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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

American Community Survey Profile Report | 2018-2022 (5-year estimates)

House District 32A

Social Characteristics

District Demographics Table
Subject District Percent
HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE - Total households 14,813 (X)
Married-couple household 9,408 63.5
With children of the householder under 18 years 4,260 28.8
Cohabiting couple household 1,076 7.3
With children of the householder under 18 years 426 2.9
Male householder, no spouse/partner present 1,976 13.3
With children of the householder under 18 years 115 0.8
Householder living alone 1,300 8.8
65 years and over 450 3
Female householder, no spouse/partner present 2,353 15.9
With children of the householder under 18 years 506 3.4
Householder living alone 1,419 9.6
65 years and over 599 4
Households with one or more people under 18 years 5,697 38.5
Households with one or more people 65 years and over 3,730 25.2
Average household size 2.9 (X)
Average family size 3.3 (X)
RELATIONSHIP - Population in households 42,330 (X)
Householder 14,813 35
Spouse 9,310 22
Unmarried partner 1,115 2.6
Child 14,051 33.2
Other relatives 2,012 4.8
Other nonrelatives 1,029 2.4
MARITAL STATUS - Males 15 years and over 16,796 (X)
Never married 5,214 31
Now married, except separated 10,050 59.8
Separated 59 0.4
Widowed 239 1.4
Divorced 1,234 7.3
Females 15 years and over 16,424 (X)
Never married 4,155 25.3
Now married, except separated 9,648 58.7
Separated 108 0.7
Widowed 748 4.6
Divorced 1,765 10.7
FERTILITY - Number of women 15 to 50 years old who had a birth in the past 12 months 679 (X)
Unmarried women (widowed, divorced, and never married) 62 9.1
Per 1,000 unmarried women 14 (X)
Per 1,000 women 15 to 50 years old 71 (X)
Per 1,000 women 15 to 19 years old 0 (X)
Per 1,000 women 20 to 34 years old 93 (X)
Per 1,000 women 35 to 50 years old 74 (X)
GRANDPARENTS - Number of grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years 864 (X)
Grandparents responsible for grandchildren 134 15.5
Less than 1 year 15 1.7
1 or 2 years 33 3.8
3 or 4 years 78 9
5 or more years 8 0.9
Number of grandparents responsible for own grandchildren under 18 years 134 (X)
Who are female 73 54.5
Who are married 118 88.1
SCHOOL ENROLLMENT - Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 10,371 (X)
Nursery school, preschool 698 6.7
Kindergarten 490 4.7
Elementary school (grades 1-8) 4,967 47.9
High school (grades 9-12) 2,678 25.8
College or graduate school 1,538 14.8
EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT - Population 25 years and over 27,984 (X)
Less than 9th grade 429 1.5
9th to 12th grade, no diploma 729 2.6
High school graduate (includes equivalency) 7,149 25.5
Some college, no degree 6,465 23.1
Associate's degree 3,033 10.8
Bachelor's degree 7,362 26.3
Graduate or professional degree 2,817 10.1
High school graduate or higher 26,826 95.9
Bachelor's degree or higher 10,179 36.4
VETERAN STATUS - Civilian population 18 years and over 31,289 (X)
Civilian veterans 1,843 5.9
With a disability 3,103 7.3
Under 18 years 11,051 (X)
With a disability 309 2.8
18 to 64 years 25,675 (X)
With a disability 1,618 6.3
65 years and over 5,587 (X)
With a disability 1,176 21
RESIDENCE 1 YEAR AGO - Population 1 year and over 41,899 (X)
Same house 37,548 89.6
Different house (in the U.S. or abroad) 4,351 10.4
Different house in the U.S. 4,316 10.3
Same county 2,335 5.6
Different county 1,981 4.7
Same state 1,622 3.9
Different state 359 0.9
Abroad 35 0.1
PLACE OF BIRTH - Total population 42,407 (X)
Native 37,646 88.8
Born in United States 37,404 88.2
State of residence 30,338 71.5
Different state 7,066 16.7
Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island areas, or born abroad to American parent(s) 242 0.6
Foreign born 4,761 11.2
U.S. CITIZENSHIP STATUS - Foreign-born population 4,761 (X)
Naturalized U.S. citizen 3,366 70.7
Not a U.S. citizen 1,395 29.3
YEAR OF ENTRY - Population born outside the United States 5,003 (X)
Native 242 (X)
Entered 2010 or later 72 29.8
Entered before 2010 170 70.2
Foreign born 4,761 (X)
Entered 2010 or later 1,266 26.6
Entered before 2010 3,495 73.4
WORLD REGION OF BIRTH OF FOREIGN BORN - Foreign-born population, excluding population born at sea 4,761 (X)
Europe 439 9.2
Asia 2,243 47.1
Africa 1,512 31.8
Oceania 0 (X)
Latin America 484 10.2
Northern America 83 1.7
LANGUAGE SPOKEN AT HOME - Population 5 years and over 39,492 (X)
English only 32,766 83
Language other than English 6,726 17
Speak English less than very well 2,830 7.2
Spanish 1,054 2.7
Speak English less than very well 379 1
Other Indo-European languages 821 2.1
Speak English less than very well 437 1.1
Asian and Pacific Islander languages 2,407 6.1
Speak English less than very well 1,084 2.7
Other languages 2,444 6.2
Speak English less than very well 930 2.4
ANCESTRY - Total population 42,407 (X)
American 2,537 6
Arab 1,042 2.5
Czech 644 1.5
Danish 375 0.9
Dutch 592 1.4
English 2,194 5.2
French (except Basque) 1,072 2.5
French Canadian 381 0.9
German 11,684 27.6
Greek 51 0.1
Hungarian 160 0.4
Irish 3,971 9.4
Italian 967 2.3
Lithuanian 59 0.1
Norwegian 5,048 11.9
Polish 1,991 4.7
Portuguese 0 (X)
Russian 319 0.8
Scotch-Irish 161 0.4
Scottish 398 0.9
Slovak 58 0.1
Subsaharan African 1,363 3.2
Swedish 3,550 8.4
Swiss 80 0.2
Ukrainian 282 0.7
Welsh 138 0.3
West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) 0 (X)
COMPUTERS AND INTERNET USE - Total households 14,813 (X)
With a computer 14,279 96.4
With a broadband Internet subscription 14,052 94.9