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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

American Community Survey Profile Report | 2018-2022 (5-year estimates)

House District 11B

Housing Characteristics

District Demographics Table
Subject District Percent
HOUSING OCCUPANCY - Total housing units 21,810 (X)
Occupied housing units 16,607 76.1
Vacant housing units 5,203 23.9
Homeowner vacancy rate 1.1 (X)
Rental vacancy rate 4.5 (X)
UNITS IN STRUCTURE - Total housing units 21,810 (X)
1-unit, detached 16,627 76.2
1-unit, attached 491 2.3
2 units 259 1.2
3 or 4 units 195 0.9
5 to 9 units 301 1.4
10 to 19 units 414 1.9
20 or more units 655 3
Mobile home 2,847 13.1
Boat, RV, van, etc. 21 0.1
YEAR STRUCTURE BUILT - Total housing units 21,810 (X)
Built 2020 or later 95 0.4
Built 2010 to 2019 1,393 6.4
Built 2000 to 2009 3,958 18.1
Built 1990 to 1999 3,556 16.3
Built 1980 to 1989 2,772 12.7
Built 1970 to 1979 3,261 15
Built 1960 to 1969 1,572 7.2
Built 1950 to 1959 1,329 6.1
Built 1940 to 1949 884 4.1
Built 1939 or earlier 2,990 13.7
ROOMS - Total housing units 21,810 (X)
1 room 423 1.9
2 rooms 795 3.6
3 rooms 1,934 8.9
4 rooms 3,392 15.6
5 rooms 4,341 19.9
6 rooms 3,498 16
7 rooms 2,530 11.6
8 rooms 2,130 9.8
9 rooms or more 2,767 12.7
Median rooms 5.5 (X)
BEDROOMS - Total housing units 21,810 (X)
No bedroom 466 2.1
1 bedroom 2,580 11.8
2 bedrooms 6,203 28.4
3 bedrooms 8,397 38.5
4 bedrooms 3,397 15.6
5 or more bedrooms 767 3.5
HOUSING TENURE - Occupied housing units 16,607 (X)
Owner-occupied 13,573 81.7
Renter-occupied 3,034 18.3
Average household size of owner-occupied unit 2.5 (X)
Average household size of renter-occupied unit 2 (X)
YEAR HOUSEHOLDER MOVED INTO UNIT - Occupied housing units 16,607 (X)
Moved in 2021 or later 451 2.7
Moved in 2018 to 2020 2,344 14.1
Moved in 2010 to 2017 5,671 34.1
Moved in 2000 to 2009 3,761 22.6
Moved in 1990 to 1999 2,369 14.3
Moved in 1989 and earlier 2,011 12.1
VEHICLES AVAILABLE - Occupied housing units 16,607 (X)
No vehicles available 1,024 6.2
1 vehicle available 3,804 22.9
2 vehicles available 5,864 35.3
3 or more vehicles available 5,915 35.6
HOUSE HEATING FUEL - Occupied housing units 16,607 (X)
Utility gas 5,457 32.9
Bottled, tank, or LP gas 6,716 40.4
Electricity 2,074 12.5
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. 320 1.9
Coal or coke 0 (X)
Wood 1,634 9.8
Solar energy 10 0.1
Other fuel 305 1.8
No fuel used 91 0.5
SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS - Occupied housing units 16,607 (X)
Lacking complete plumbing facilities 154 0.9
Lacking complete kitchen facilities 181 1.1
No telephone service available 193 1.2
OCCUPANTS PER ROOM - Occupied housing units 16,607 (X)
1.00 or less 16,250 97.9
1.01 to 1.50 264 1.6
1.51 or more 93 0.6
VALUE - Owner-occupied units 13,573 (X)
Less than $50,000 656 4.8
$50,000 to $99,999 1,171 8.6
$100,000 to $149,999 1,839 13.5
$150,000 to $199,999 2,730 20.1
$200,000 to $299,999 3,882 28.6
$300,000 to $499,999 2,509 18.5
$500,000 to $999,999 722 5.3
$1,000,000 or more 64 0.5
Median (dollars) 208,600 (X)
MORTGAGE STATUS - Owner-occupied units 13,573 (X)
Housing units with a mortgage 8,126 59.9
Housing units without a mortgage 5,447 40.1
SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS (SMOC) - Housing units with a mortgage 8,126 (X)
Less than $500 86 1.1
$500 to $999 1,243 15.3
$1,000 to $1,499 2,782 34.2
$1,500 to $1,999 2,224 27.4
$2,000 to $2,499 1,100 13.5
$2,500 to $2,999 436 5.4
$3,000 or more 255 3.1
Median (dollars) 1,492 (X)
Housing units without a mortgage 5,447 (X)
Less than $250 338 6.2
$250 to $399 880 16.2
$400 to $599 1,852 34
$600 to $799 1,269 23.3
$800 to $999 643 11.8
$1,000 or more 465 8.5
Median (dollars) 565 (X)
SELECTED MONTHLY OWNER COSTS AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (SMOCAPI) - Housing units with a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 8,083 (X)
Less than 20.0 percent 3,644 45.1
20.0 to 24.9 percent 1,304 16.1
25.0 to 29.9 percent 795 9.8
30.0 to 34.9 percent 677 8.4
35.0 percent or more 1,663 20.6
Not computed 43 (X)
Housing unit without a mortgage (excluding units where SMOCAPI cannot be computed) 5,373 (X)
Less than 10.0 percent 2,048 38.1
10.0 to 14.9 percent 1,220 22.7
15.0 to 19.9 percent 694 12.9
20.0 to 24.9 percent 461 8.6
25.0 to 29.9 percent 200 3.7
30.0 to 34.9 percent 177 3.3
35.0 percent or more 573 10.7
Not computed 74 (X)
GROSS RENT - Occupied units paying rent 2,743 (X)
Less than $500 519 18.9
$500 to $999 1,242 45.3
$1,000 to $1,499 803 29.3
$1,500 to $1,999 143 5.2
$2,000 to $2,499 34 1.2
$2,500 to $2,999 0 (X)
$3,000 or more 2 0.1
Median (dollars) 867 (X)
No rent paid 291 (X)
GROSS RENT AS A PERCENTAGE OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME (GRAPI) - Occupied units paying rent (excluding units where GRAPI cannot be computed) 2,607 (X)
Less than 15.0 percent 303 11.6
15.0 to 19.9 percent 357 13.7
20.0 to 24.9 percent 427 16.4
25.0 to 29.9 percent 255 9.8
30.0 to 34.9 percent 225 8.6
35.0 percent or more 1,040 39.9
Not computed 427 (X)