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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

American Community Survey Profile Report | 2018-2022 (5-year estimates)

Senate District 60

Demographic Characteristics

District Demographics Table
Subject District Percent
SEX AND AGE - Total population 81,656 (X)
Male 41,753 51.1
Female 39,903 48.9
Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 104.6 (X)
Under 5 years 3,707 4.5
5 to 9 years 2,722 3.3
10 to 14 years 1,974 2.4
15 to 19 years 10,548 12.9
20 to 24 years 19,101 23.4
25 to 34 years 16,837 20.6
35 to 44 years 8,512 10.4
45 to 54 years 5,913 7.2
55 to 59 years 2,597 3.2
60 to 64 years 2,566 3.1
65 to 74 years 4,845 5.9
75 to 84 years 1,516 1.9
85 years and over 818 1
Median age (years) 26.1 (X)
Under 18 years 9,578 11.7
16 years and over 72,895 89.3
18 years and over 72,078 88.3
21 years and over 57,595 70.5
62 years and over 8,627 10.6
65 years and over 7,179 8.8
18 years and over 72,078 (X)
Male 36,614 50.8
Female 35,464 49.2
Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 103.2 (X)
65 years and over 7,179 (X)
Male 3,214 44.8
Female 3,965 55.2
Sex ratio (males per 100 females) 81.1 (X)
RACE - Total population 81,656 (X)
One race 75,889 92.9
Two or More Races 5,767 7.1
One race 75,889 92.9
White 53,778 65.9
Black or African American 12,209 15
American Indian and Alaska Native 641 0.8
Cherokee tribal grouping 0 (X)
Chippewa tribal grouping 272 0.3
Navajo tribal grouping 15 0
Sioux tribal grouping 63 0.1
Asian 6,518 8
Asian Indian 1,207 1.5
Chinese 2,906 3.6
Filipino 146 0.2
Japanese 69 0.1
Korean 602 0.7
Vietnamese 756 0.9
Other Asian 832 1
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 60 0.1
Chamorro 8 0
Native Hawaiian 0 (X)
Samoan 43 0.1
Other Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 9 0
Some Other Race 2,683 3.3
Two or More Races 5,767 7.1
White and Black or African American 1,538 1.9
White and American Indian and Alaska Native 744 0.9
White and Asian 1,305 1.6
White and Some Other Race 1,307 1.6
Black or African American and American Indian and Alaska Native 223 0.3
Black or African American and Some Other Race 46 0.1
Race alone or in combination with one or more other races - Total population 81,656 (X)
White 59,095 72.4
Black or African American 14,237 17.4
American Indian and Alaska Native 1,995 2.4
Asian 8,023 9.8
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 178 0.2
Some Other Race 4,341 5.3
HISPANIC OR LATINO AND RACE - Total population 81,656 (X)
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 5,857 7.2
Mexican 2,830 3.5
Puerto Rican 317 0.4
Cuban 154 0.2
Other Hispanic or Latino 2,556 3.1
Not Hispanic or Latino 75,799 92.8
White alone 52,161 63.9
Black or African American alone 12,090 14.8
American Indian and Alaska Native alone 536 0.7
Asian alone 6,458 7.9
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone 17 0
Some Other Race alone 557 0.7
Two or More Races 3,980 4.9
Two races including Some Other Race 268 0.3
Two races excluding Some Other Race, and three or more races 3,712 4.5
Total housing units - Total housing units 35,293 (X)
CITIZEN, VOTING AGE POPULATION - Citizen, 18 and over population 65,227 (X)
Male 32,791 50.3
Female 32,436 49.7