This page last updated: 03/22/2011
Metadata created using Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines
Originator | LCC-GIS using Census Bureau TIGER/Line Files |
Abstract | Data displaying 2010 Redistricting Data as released by the US Census Bureau for the 2010 census. Data includes a summary of boundary adjustments made by the LCC-GIS Office below in Section 2. |
Time Period of Content Date | 2010 |
Currentness Reference | Current as of the 2010 census. |
Access Constraints | None |
Use Constraints | None |
Distributor Organization | LCC-GIS |
Online Linkage | Click here to download data. (See Ordering Instructions above for details.) By clicking here, you agree to the notice in "Distribution Liability" in Section 6 of this metadata. |
Go to Section:
1. Identification Information
2. Data Quality Information
3. Spatial Data Organization Information
4. Spatial Reference Information
5. Entity and Attribute Information
6. Distribution Information
7. Metadata Reference Information
Section 1 | Identification Information |   | Top of page | |
Originator | LCC-GIS using Census Bureau TIGER/Line Files | |||
Title | 2010 Redistricting Data | |||
Abstract | Data displaying 2010 Redistricting Data as released by the US Census Bureau for the 2010 census. | |||
Purpose | Entire data hierarchy used for redistricting. Includes census block, voting districts, minor civil divisions and counties. Includes MN Secretary of State election data from 2002-2010 that was disaggregated to census block level and aggregated to voting districts, minor civil divisions and counties. | |||
Time Period of Content Date | 2010 | |||
Currentness Reference | Current as of the 2010 census. | |||
Progress | Complete | |||
Maintenance and Update Frequency | ||||
Spatial Extent of Data | State of Minnesota | |||
Bounding Coordinates | -97.5 -89.0 49.5 43.0 |
Place Keywords | Minnesota | |||
Theme Keywords | Minnesota 2010 Redistricting Data Census Blocks 2010 |
Theme Keyword Thesaurus | ||||
Access Constraints | None | |||
Use Constraints | None | |||
Contact Person Information | Lee Meilleur,
Director LCC-GIS 100 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 55 St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651-296-5047 FAX: 651-297-3699 E-mail: ![]() | |||
Associated Data Sets | 2000 Census Block Boundaries |
Section 2 | Data Quality Information | Top of full metadata | Top of page | |
Attribute Accuracy | ||||
Logical Consistency | ||||
Completeness | Complete as of its release. | |||
Horizontal Positional Accuracy | ||||
Lineage | Derived from the 2010 Census TIGER/Line Files. | |||
Source Scale Denominator | ||||
Section 3 | Spatial Data Organization Information | Top of full metadata | Top of page | |
Native Data Set Environment | Maptitude 6.0 | |||
Geographic Reference for Tabular Data | ||||
Spatial Object Type | Vector | |||
Vendor Specific Object Types | Arc, Polygon | |||
Tiling Scheme | State | |||
Section 4 | Spatial Reference Information | Top of full metadata | Top of page | |
Horizontal Coordinate Scheme | UTM | |||
Ellipsoid | GRS80 | |||
Horizontal Datum | ||||
Horizontal Units | Meters | |||
Distance Resolution | ||||
UTM Zone Number | 15 | |||
Map Projection Name | Transverse Mercator | |||
Section 5 | Entity and Attribute Information | Top of full metadata | Top of page | |
Entity and Attribute Overview | ''ID'' ''AREA'' ''COLORING'' Map Coloring Caliper ''BLOCK'' 2010 Census Block Specification ''BLOCKGROUP''2010 Block Group Specification ''TRACT'' Census Tract Code, 2010 ''COUNTY'' FIPS County Code, 2010 ''STATE'' State FIPS Code, 2010 ''BLOCK2000'' 2000 Census Block Specification ''MCD'' Minor Civil Division Codes, 2010 ''SUBMCD'' Subbarrio FIPS Code, 2010 ''PLACE'' Place FIPS Code, 2010 ''CONCITY''Consolidated City FIPS Code 2010 ''VTD'' Census Voting District Code, 2010 ''CONGRESS'' Congessional District FIPS Code, 2010 ''LOWERSLD'' House District Codes, 2010 ''UPPERSLD'' Senate District Codes, 2010 ''COUNTYLD'' County Legislative District Code, 2010 ''CITYLD'' City Legislative District Code, 2010 ''INDIAN'' American Indian Reservation/Alaska Native Area/Hawaiian Homeland FIPS Code, 2010 ''TRUST'' American Indian/Hawaiian Homeland Trust Flag ''TRIBALSUB'' American Indian Tribal Subdivision FIPS Code, 2010 ''ANRC'' Alaska Native Regional Corporation FIPS code, 2010 ''CSA'' Combined Statistical Area Code, 2010 ''CBSA''Core Based Statistical Area Code, 2010 ''CBSADIV'' CBSA Metropolitan Division Code, 2010 ''UA'' Urbanized Area Code Placeholder ''UGA''Urban Growth Area Code, 2010 ''ELEMSCHOOL'' Elementary School District Local Education Agency Code, 2010 ''SECSCHOOL'' Secondary School District Local Education Agency Code, 2010 ''UNIFSCHOOL''Unified School District Local Education Agency Code, 2010 ''ZIP5'' Zip Code Placeholder ''URBANRURAL'' Urban/Rural Indicator ''POP2000'' Population 2000 ''POPULATION'' Population 2010 ''HISPANIC_O'' Hispanic Origin ''NH_WHT'' Non-Hispanic White ''NH_DOJ_BLK'' Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Black ''NH_DOJ_IND'' Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Indian ''NH_DOJ_ASN'' Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Asian ''NH_DOJ_HWN'' Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Hawaiian ''NH_DOJ_OTH'' Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Other Race ''NH_DOJ_OT1'' Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Other Multi Race ''F18_POP_20'' 18+ Population 2000 ''F18_POP'' 18+ Population 2010 ''H18_POP'' 18+ Hispanic ''NH18_WHT'' 18+ Non-Hispanic White ''NH18_DOJ_B'' 18+ Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Black ''NH18_DOJ_I'' 18+ Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Indian ''NH18_DOJ_A'' 18+ Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Asian ''NH18_DOJ_H'' 18+ Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Hawaiian ''NH18_DOJ_O'' 18+ Non-Hispanic (Department of Justice) Other Race ''USSENGP02'' US Senate Green Party 2002 ''USSENIP02''US Senate Independence Party 2002 ''USSENR02''US Senate Republican 2002 ''WELLSTONE'' Senator Wellstone ''USSENDFL02''US Senate Democratic Farmer Labour 2002 ''USSENCP02'' US Senate Constitution Party 2002 ''USSENWI02'' US Senate Write In 2002 ''CONGGP02''US Congress Green Party 2002 ''CONGIP02''US Congress Independence Party 2002 ''CONGR02''US Congress Republican 2002 ''CONGDFL02'' US Congress Democratic Farmer Labour 2002 ''CONGNNT02'' US Congress No New Taxes 2002 ''CONGWI02''US Congress Write In 2002 ''MNSENGP02''MN Senate Green Party 2002 ''MNSENIP02''MN Senate Independence Party 2002 ''MNSENR02''MN Senate Republican 2002 ''MNSENDFL02''MN Senate Demcratic Farmer Labour 2002 ''MNSENCP02''MN Senate Constitution Party 2002 ''MNSENICP02''MN Senate Independent Christian Pro-Life 2002 ''MNSENWI02''MN Senate Write In 2002 ''MNLEGGP02''MN House Green Party 2002 ''MNLEGIP02''MN House Independence Party 2002 ''MNLEGR02''MN House Republican 2002 ''MNLEGDFL02''MN House Democratic Farmer Labour 2002 ''MNLEGCP02''MN House Constitution party 2002 ''MNLEGGI02''MN House Independent 2002 ''MNLEGWI02''MN House Write In 2002 ''GOVGP02''MN Governer Green Party 2002 ''GOVIP02''MN Governer Independence Party 2002 ''GOVR02''MN Governer Republican 2002 ''GOVDFL02''MN Governer Democratic Farmer Labour 2002 ''GOVCP02''MN Governer Constitution Party 2002 ''GOVI02''MN Governer Independent 2002 ''GOVSW02''MN Governer Socialist Workers 2002 ''GOVWI02''MN Governer Write In 2002 ''SOSGP02''MN Secretary of State Green Party 2002 ''SOSIP02''MN Secretary of State Independence Party 2002 ''SOSR02''MN Secretary of State Republican 2002 ''SOSDFL02''MN Secretary of State Democratic Farmer Labor 2002 ''SOSWI02''MN Secretary of State Write In 2002 ''AGIP02''MN Attorney General Independence Party 2002 ''AGR02''MN Attorney General Republican 2002 ''AGDFL02''MN Attorney General Democratic Farmer Labor 2002 ''AGWI02''MN Attorney General Write In 2002 ''AUDGP02''MN State Auditor Green Party 2002 ''AUDIP02''MN State Auditor Independence Party 2002 ''AUDR02''MN State Auditor Republican 2002 ''AUDDFL02''MN State Auditor Democratic Farmer Labor 2002 ''AUDWI02''MN State Auditor Write In 2002 ''USPRESGP04'' US President Green Party 2004 ''USPRESR04''US President Republican 2004 ''USPRESDFL0''US President Democratic Farmer Labor 2004 ''USPRESSE04''US President Socialist Equality 2004 '' USPRESSW04''US President Socialist Workers 2004 ''USPRESCF04''US President Christian Freedom 2004 ''USPRESBL04''US President Better Life 2004 ''USPRESC04''US President Constitution 2004 ''USPRESL04''US President Libertarian 2004 ''USPRESWI04''US President Write In 2004 ''USCONGI04''US Congress Independence 2004 ''USCONGR04''US Congress Republican 2004 ''USCONGDFL0''US Congress Democratic Farmer Labour 2004 ''USCONGWI04''US Congress Write In 2004 ''MNLEGI04''MN House Independence 2004 ''MNLEGR04''MN House Republican 2004 ''MNLEGDFL04''MN House Democratic Farmer Labor 2004 '' MNLEGWI04''MN House Write In 2004 '' USSENR06''US Senate Republican 2006 '' USSENDFL06''US Senate Democratic Farmer Labor 2006 ''USSENIP06''US Senate Independence Party 2006 ''USSENWI06''US Senate Write In 2006 ''GOVR06''MN Governer Republican 2006 ''GOVDFL06''MN Governer Democratic Farmer Labor 2004 ''GOVIP06''MN Governer Independence Party 2006 ''GOVWI06''MN Governer Write In 2006 ''AGR06''MN Attorney General Republican 2006 ''AGDFL06''MN Attorney General Democratic Farmer Labor 2006 ''AGIP06''MN Attorney General Independence Party 2006 ''AGWI06''MN Attorney General Write In 2006 ''SOSR06''MN Secretary of State Republican 2006 ''SOSDFL06''MN Secretary of State Democratric Farmer Labor 2006 ''SOSIP06''MN Secretary of State Independence Party 2006 ''SOSWI06''MN Secretary of State Write In 2006 ''AUDR06''MN State Auditor Republican 2006 ''AUDDFL06''MN State Auditor Democratic Farmer Labor 2006 ''AUDWI06''MN State Auditor Write In 2006 ''CONGR06''US Congress Republican 2006 ''CONGDFL06''US Congress Democratic Farmer Labor 2006 ''CONGIP06''US Congress Independence 2006 ''CONGWI06''US Congress Write In 2006 ''MNSENR06''MN Senate Republican 2006 ''MNSENDFL06''MN Senate Demcratic Farmer Labour 2006 ''MNSENIP06''MN Senate Independence 2006 ''MNSENWI06''MN Senate Write In 2006 ''MNLEGR06''MN House Republican 2006 ''MNLEGDFL06''MN House Democratic Farmer Labor 2006 ''MNLEGIP06''MN House Independence 2006 ''MNLEGWI06''MN House Write In 2006 ''USPRESR08''US President Republican 2008 ''USPRESDFL1''US President Democratic Farmer Labor 2008 ''USPRESGP08''US President Green Party 2008 ''USPRESSWP0''US President Socialist Workers 2008 ''USPRESIND0''US President Independent 2006 ''USPRESLIB0''US President Libertarian 2008 ''USPRESCP08''US President Constitution 2008 ''USPRESWI08''US President Write In 2008 ''USSENIP08''US Senate Independence Party 2008 ''USSENR08''US Senate Republican 2008 ''USSENDFL08''US Senate Democratic Farmer Labor 2008 ''USSENLIB08''US Senate Libertarian 2008 ''USSENCP08''US Senate Constitution 2008 ''USSENWI08''US Senate Write In 2008 ''CONGIP08''US Congress Independence Party 2008 ''CONGR08''US Congress Republican 2008 ''CONGDFL08''US Congress Democratic Farmer Labor Party 2008 ''CONGWI08''US Congress Write In 2008 ''MNLEGIP08''MN House Independence 2008 ''MNLEGR08''MN House Republican 2008 ''MNLEGDFL08''MN House Democratic Farmer Labor 2008 ''MNLEGWI08''MN House Write In 2008 ''CONGIP10''US Congress Independence Party 2010 ''CONGR10''US Congress Republican 2010 ''CONGDFL10''US Congress Democratic Farmer labor 2010 ''CONGWI10''US Congress Write In 2010 ''MNSENIP10''MN Senate Independence 2010 ''MNSENR10''MN Senate Republican 2010 ''MNSENDFL10''MN Senate Democratic Farmer Labor 2010 ''MNSENWI10''MN Senate Write In 2010 ''MNLEGIP10''MN House Independence 2010 ''MNLEGR10''MN House Republican 2010 ''MNLEGDFL10''MN House Democratic Farmer Labor 2010 ''MNLEGWI10''MN House Write In 2010 ''GOVIP10''MN Governer Independence 2010 ''GOVR10''MN Governer Republican 2010 ''GOVDFL10''MN Governer Democratic Farmer Labor 2010 ''GOVGP10''MN Governer Green Party 2010 ''GOVTRP10''MN Governer The Resource Party 2010 ''GOVGR10''MN Governer Grassroots Party 2010 ''GOVEDP10''MN Governer Ecology Democracy Party 2010 ''GOVWI10''MN Governer Write In 2010 ''SOSIP10''MN Secretary of State Independence 2010 ''SOSR10''MN Secretary of State Republican 2010 ''SOSDFL10''MN Secretary of State Democratic Farmer Labor 2010 ''SOSWI10''MN Secretary of State Write In 2010 ''AUDR10''MN State Auditor Republican 2010 ''AUDDFL10''MN State Auditor Democratic Farmer Labor 2010 ''AUDGP10''MN State Auditor Green Party 2010 ''AUDGR10''MN State Auditor Grassroots Party 2010 ''AUDWI10''MN State Auditor Write In 2010 ''AGIP10''MN Attorney General Independece 2010 ''AGR10''MN Attorney General republican 2010 ''AGDFL10''MN Attorney General Democratic Farmer Labor 2010 ''AGTRP10''MN Attorney General The Resource Party 2010 ''AGWI10''MN Attorney General Write In 2010 ''DEM_INDEX''Field to calculate Democratic Index ''REP_INDEX''Field to calculate Republican Index ''THIRD_INDE''Field to calculate Third Party Index ''INDEX_VOTE'' Field to calculate Total of all Index Votes |
Entity and Attribute Detailed Citation | ''Black'' - Non Hispanic Black or African American + Non Hispanic Black or African American and White ''Asian'' - Non Hispanic Asian + Non Hispanic Asian and White ''Hispanic'' - Hispanic of Any Race ''Indian'' - Non Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native + Non Hispanic American Indian and Alaska Native and White ''Other'' - Non Hispanic Some Other Race ''Other Multi Race'' - Where more than one minority race is listed |
Section 6 | Distribution Information | Top of full metadata | Top of page | |
Publisher | LCC-GIS | |||
Publication Date | 03/23/2011 | |||
Contact Person Information | Lee Meilleur Director LCC-GIS 100 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 55 St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651-296-5047 FAX: 651-297-3699 E-mail: ![]() |
Distributor's Data Set Identifier | Redistricting data hierarchy | |||
Distribution Liability | The Geographic Information System (GIS) Data to which this notice is attached are made available pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13). THE GIS DATA ARE PROVIDED TO YOU AS IS AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO THEIR PERFORMANCE, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The GIS Data were developed by the LCC - GIS Office for its own internal business purposes. The LCC - GIS Office does not represent or warrant that the GIS Data or the data documentation are error-free, complete, current, or accurate. You are responsible for any consequences resulting from your use of the GIS Data or your reliance on the GIS Data. You should consult the data documentation for this particular GIS Data to determine the limitations of the GIS Data and the precision with which the GIS Data may depict distance, direction, location, or other geographic features. If you transmit or provide the GIS Data (or any portion of it) to another user, the GIS Data must include a copy of this disclaimer. | |||
Transfer Format Name | Shapefile, Caliper | |||
Transfer Format Version Number | ||||
Transfer Size | 167MB | |||
Online Linkage | Click here to download data. (See Ordering Instructions above for details.) By clicking here, you agree to the notice in "Distribution Liability" above. | |||
Section 7 | Metadata Reference Information | Top of full metadata | Top of page | |
Metadata Date | 03/23/2011 | |||
Contact Person Information | Lee Meilleur,
Director LCC-GIS 100 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Suite 55 St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651-296-5047 FAX: 651-297-3699 E-mail: ![]() |
Metadata Standard Name | Minnesota Geographic Metadata Guidelines | |||
Metadata Standard Version | 1.2 | |||
Metadata Standard Online Linkage | |