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Geographic Information Services | Minnesota Redistricting Profile 2010

  1. Constitutional Citations
    1. Congressional Redistricting: Article IV, § 3
    2. Legislative Redistricting: Article IV, §§ 2, 3
  2. Statutory or Other Citations
    1. Description of Current Congressional Districts:

      Congressional Redistricting Plan, Zachman v. Kiffmeyer, No. C0-01-160 (Minn. Spec. Redis. Panel Mar. 19, 2002)

    2. Description of Current Legislative Districts:

      Legislative Redistricting Plan, Zachman v. Kiffmeyer, No. C0-01-160 (Minn. Spec. Redis. Panel Mar. 19, 2002)

    3. Districting Principles or Procedure:

      Minn. Stat. § 2.91; Order Stating Redistricting Principles and Requirements for Plan Submissions, Zachman v. Kiffmeyer, No. C0-01-160 (Minn. Spec. Redis. Panel Dec. 11, 2001)

  3. Congressional Districts
    1. Present Number: 8
    2. Prospective Number after 2010 Census: 7
  4. State Legislative Districts
    1. Senate
      1. Number of Districts: 67
      2. Number of Multimember Districts: 0
      3. Largest Number of Seats in a District: 1
    2. House
      1. Number of Districts: 134
      2. Number of Multimember Districts: 0
      3. Largest Number of Seats in a District: 1
    3. House Districts Nested within Senate Districts: Yes
  5. Redistricting Requirements
    1. Initial Responsibility for Drawing Congressional Districts: Legislature
    2. Initial Responsibility for Drawing Legislative Districts: Legislature
    3. Legislative Committee Responsible for Redistricting: Subcommittee on Redistricting
      1. Four members: 2 Democrats; 2 Republicans.
      2. Appointed by Legislative Coordinating Commission.
      3. One member from each caucus in each house.
      4. Plans drawn by committees appointed in 2011.
    4. Use Apportionment Board or Commission: No
    5. Gubernatorial Veto Power over Congressional Plan: Yes
    6. Gubernatorial Veto Power over Legislative Plan: Yes
  6. Redistricting Deadlines
    1. Congressional Deadline: 25 weeks before the state primary election in the year ending in two (February 21, 2012)
      1. Basis for Deadline: Minn. Stat. § 204B.14, subd. 1a
      2. Effect of Failure to Meet Deadline: Not specified
    2. Legislative Deadline: 25 weeks before the state primary election in the year ending in two (February 21, 2012)
      1. Basis for Deadline: Minn. Stat. § 204B.14, subd. 1a
      2. Effect of Failure to Meet Deadline: Not specified
  7. Voting Rights Act Information for the 2000s
    1. Preclearance Required: No
    2. Justice Department Objection to Plans: N/A
  8. State Contacts
  9. Tom Bottern
    Senate Counsel
    Senate Counsel, Research & Fiscal Analysis
    17 Capitol
    St. Paul, MN 55155
    651/296-7747 Fax
    Matt Gehring
    Legislative Analyst
    House Research
    600 State Office Building
    St. Paul, MN 55155
    651/296-9887 Fax
    Lee Meilleur
    Geographic Information Systems
    85 State Office Building
    St. Paul, MN 55155
    651/296-1321 Fax
    Tom Gillaspy
    State Demographer
    Department of Administration
    300 Centennial Building
    St. Paul, MN 55155